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Adding Dialogue Beep SFX

    "Dialogue voice beep often used as
    substitute for voice acting in video games."
    "Especially in the older titles
    and smaller budget productions."
    "Although not really used in modern titles anymore,
    there's many indie games that still use this today."


Play the dialogue beep audio with the DialogueLabel's character_drawn signal.

  1. Add the dialogue voice beep audio file to your project. In this article, we'll use one of the sound effect from Text/Dialogue Bleeps Pack by dmochas .

  2. Add AudioStreamPlayer node, attach the beep audio file to it, and reference it as beep_player variable.

    @export var beep_player : AudioStreamPlayer
    • AudioStreamPlayer node in the scene tree

    • AudioStreamPlayer referenced to beep_player variable

  3. Connect the signal character_drawn from DialogueLabel to method _on_dialogue_label_character_drawn().

    func _on_dialogue_label_character_drawn():
        pass # Replace with function body.
    • character_drawn signal being highlighted in the Node dock

  4. On the signal method, play the audio from the beep_player using play(). Only if its not already playing.

    func _on_dialogue_label_character_drawn():
        if not beep_player.playing:

Code summary

  ├─ Stage
  ├─ PanelContainer
  │     └─ VBoxContainer
  │         ├─ Label
  │         └─ DialogueLabel
  └─ AudioStreamPlayer
extends Control

var dlg : Dialogue # Load/create Dialogue here

@export var stage : Stage
@export var beep_player : AudioStreamPlayer

func _input(event):
    if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):

func _ready():

func _on_dialogue_label_character_drawn():
    if not beep_player.playing:


Download scene & script

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