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Toggling Dialogue UI

    "Having the Dialogue UI visible at all time
    is probably not very ideal."
    "Unless you're making a full on text adventure game,
    you'd want to show the dialogue UI only when it needed to."
    "Here, we'll demonstrate how you can do that, with just a simple
    `show` and `hide` CanvasItem methods."


Utilize Stage's signals: started, finished, and cancelled to call hide()/show() methods on the dialogue UI.

Before we begin, let's add a 'start dialogue' button, so we don't have to restart the scene everytime the dialogue ended.

  1. Add a Button, and we'll rename it to StartButton. Adjust its text, size, and position to your liking.

  2. Set the focus_mode properto to none. To avoid accidental button press when progressing the dialogue.

    • Button's focus_mode set to none
  3. Connect the pressed signal of the button to a method. In that method, call the Stage's start() method. It should looks something like this:

    func _on_start_button_pressed():

    Now, let's move on to the tutorial.

  1. Let's take a look at the current scene tree. Since PanelContainer is the parent of all UI dialogue, let's save it as a variable named dialogue_container.

    @export var dialogue_container : PanelContainer


    Don't forget to assign the node in the inspector when using @export annotation to reference nodes!

  2. Create 2 methods: hide_dialogue_ui() and show_dialogue_ui().

    func show_dialogue_ui():
    func hide_dialogue_ui():

  3. For now, let's just simply show and hide the dialogue UI, by calling show() and hide() on dialogue_container.

    func show_dialogue_ui():
    func hide_dialogue_ui():

  4. Click your Stage node, head over to the Node's Signals dock, and connect the signals started, finished, and cancelled to the 2 methods created previously. More specifically:

    Signals Method
    started show_dialogue_ui()
    finished, cancelled hide_dialogue_ui()
    • Stage signals: started, progressed, cancelled, connected to the script.

Code summary

  ├─ Stage
  ├─ PanelContainer
  │     └─ VBoxContainer
  │         ├─ Label
  │         └─ DialogueLabel
  └─ StartButton
extends Control

var dlg : Dialogue # Load/create Dialogue here

@export var stage : Stage
@export var dialogue_container : PanelContainer

func _input(event):
    if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):

func _ready():

func _on_start_button_pressed():

func show_dialogue_ui():

func hide_dialogue_ui():


Download scene & script

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