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Minimal Theatre Setup

This article cover the basic minimal setup for Theatre, like the one created in the Quick Start article, but a lot more shorter and straightforward.

  1. Create a new 2D or User Interface scene, and structure it like the following:

    • Scene tree

    The two highlighted nodes are the Theatre-specific nodes.

    Adjust the size and position of the PanelContainer to your liking.

  2. Tick the fit_content property on the DialogueLabel.

    • fit_content property

  3. Attach a script to the scene and create a new Stage variable with @export.

    extends Control
    @export var stage : Stage

  4. Go to the inspector, and assign the Stage node to stage.

  5. Click the Stage node, go to the inspector, and assign the Label to actor_label, and DialogueLabel to dialogue_label.

    • Label and DialogueLabel node assigned on the Stage inspector

  6. Use input event to progress the Stage.

    extends Control
    @export var stage : Stage
    func _input(event):
        if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):

  7. You can then write/load your Dialogue, and start it.

    extends Control
    var dlg : Dialogue # Load/create Dialogue here
    @export var stage : Stage
    func _input(event):
        if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):
    func _ready():

Code summary

  ├─ Stage
  └─ PanelContainer
        └─ VBoxContainer
            ├─ Label
            └─ DialogueLabel
extends Control

var dlg : Dialogue # Load/create Dialogue here

@export var stage : Stage

func _input(event):
    if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):

func _ready():


Download scene & script

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